Time to begin a new episode of Zombie Ranch! Looks like another informative media interlude is upon us, though this time on a subject it seems those who live and/or work in the Wild Zones would like to avoid. We'd hope everyone remembers Suzie, but for a refresher course here's our first appearances of the Sheriff and Deputy Jimmy, and "Wild" Will Nguyen, the other folks being featured. Though I'm sure Will would be quite bent out of shape to think that anyone could forget him!
Those of you paying attention to the numbers will note this is our 200th story page. Nice, eh? Someone on some message board somewhere once posted that they don't really pay attention to any webcomic with less than 200 pages in its archive, so we have now potentially satisfied one more random person on the Internet.
But seriously, it's nice to still be around and publishing this story. Thank you all for your continued readership! And we're pleased to announce our next convention appearance has been confirmed for WonderCon Anaheim 2014, where we'll be in the Small Press area. Tickets are available for purchase now at quite reasonable prices considering what the convention offers, so if you'll be around and about the Southern California area on April 18th-20th, why not give a click here and plan to drop on by to say howdy!
Just a few points…1) Jimmy is doing a pretty good takeoff on Garth Brooks (or maybe that’s what he’d write during a zombie apocalypse)…2) whenever the Huachucas get brought up, I keep thinking of the opening to “Hooked on a Feeling.” ;)…And 3) congratulations on episode #200! WOOHOO! Way to go, you guys; I knew you could do it. 😀
Thank you thank you. And at the risk of disappointing anyone who cottons to Jimmy’s poetic airs, I have my doubts he comes up with all those rhymes himself…
I know the Huachucas live what looks like a nomadic existence but I keep thinking of this leading to a burned out church with a cellar full of zombies and this playing in the background; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6Lo9RWIm7U
I dunno Clint. There’s nothing like a zombie apocalypse to make one reflect on the introspective and the deeper nature of the Universe around us. I personally think there’s depths to our good friend James that we could barely begin to fathom. 🙂
8 thoughts on “200 – Media Huach”
Within Jimmy beats the heart of a true poet…
yay huachucas backstory!
(btw, i really like the sign behind wild Will 😛 I admit that , for a fraction of a second, i wondered if it was made of beef haha)
Just a few points…1) Jimmy is doing a pretty good takeoff on Garth Brooks (or maybe that’s what he’d write during a zombie apocalypse)…2) whenever the Huachucas get brought up, I keep thinking of the opening to “Hooked on a Feeling.” ;)…And 3) congratulations on episode #200! WOOHOO! Way to go, you guys; I knew you could do it. 😀
Thank you thank you. And at the risk of disappointing anyone who cottons to Jimmy’s poetic airs, I have my doubts he comes up with all those rhymes himself…
Congrats on #200!
I know the Huachucas live what looks like a nomadic existence but I keep thinking of this leading to a burned out church with a cellar full of zombies and this playing in the background; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6Lo9RWIm7U
I dunno Clint. There’s nothing like a zombie apocalypse to make one reflect on the introspective and the deeper nature of the Universe around us. I personally think there’s depths to our good friend James that we could barely begin to fathom. 🙂
“If the rhymes are cheap, you must be deep.”
Cue spooky music…
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