So before we get started, let’s get a couple of disclaimers out of the way. One, if you’re not caught up on AMC’s The Walking Dead through its current season finale, I suppose I’ll be spoiling something. Or… not spoiling something? That uncertainty ties in with my second disclaimer, which is that I haven’t been following TWD since about midway through its second season. It also ties in with how the show is only on my radar again right now by proxy, because my social media exploded with fans upset by the end of Sunday’s season finale to the point of declaring they’ve had enough and they’re bailing out.
Speaking of bailing out, that should all have been vague enough that you’ve had time to hit the back button or otherwise click away if you’re a slowpoke fan operating on a “news blackout” basis.
Okay, so the context on this is everything, and the context is apparently that for several months the PR for the show has centered around the debut of a new villain named Negan and that by season’s end he would be killing off one of the primary protagonists of the series. These events had already been depicted in the comics, but the showrunners have made several major deviations from the comics so there was still some suspense on whether it would be the same victim and circumstances. Lots of hype. Nerdist even had a speculative lead-up video which ended with their declaration of a giveaway contest based on people who called in to them with the right answer. I presume they’re now feeling a bit embarrassed that they won’t be giving away that Rick figure for several months. Why? Well, this is how the episode ended.
I don’t even really have a dog in this hunt, so to speak, but that does seem like a fascinatingly awful way to give your faithful audience the “reward” of waiting all over again for the promise of seeing something you already promised them back when the season began. Also like I said, I haven’t watched in years but it seemed like TWD never deviated much from the naturalistic camera style it established back when it began. This sudden breaking of the fourth wall, POV, blood on the lens stuff hearkens more to The Evil Dead than The Walking Dead, does it not? More than one reviewer has also snarkily remarked on the sense that by framing it this way it’s the audience that feels like they’re being bludgeoned into oblivion.
Yet on the other hand, when all’s said and done how many of the people claiming right now to be abandoning the series will be back at their televisions in October? And for all the fans who were deeply, vocally upset, there are many others who are taking it in stride or even supporting the decision. Word has it TWD has already pulled shenanigans on this level or close to it in the past and the ratings haven’t dipped as a result, so I’m guessing the showrunners are just as confident this won’t hurt, either.
Although… man, the way they did it is still very weird. Maybe it’s a test to see if the audience will accept things getting a bit stranger in presentation? I myself have played around with that. I’m still debating if and how I might eventually bring in the idea of a flashback sequence that’s not a “recorded earlier” scenario. After six seasons of a more-or-less naturalistic shooting style, do they want to shake things up a bit and change–if not the story itself–the scope of techniques they use to tell it? Is that laudably ambitious, or just jarring?
Or as the most vocal quitter talk goes, was it the last straw in a long spiral of declining writing and cynical, ratings-driven manipulation? Could some sort of derailment have even happened behind the scenes, where they really did plan to kill someone off (like Daryl Dixon as Nerdist speculated) but then at the last minute–just as rampant unfounded speculation–the orders come down from on high that “You can’t kill off Daryl Dixon, we have way too much Daryl Dixon merchandise to sell!” Or on a similar but less monetary note, “You can’t kill off Michonne or we’ll spend our entire break dealing with the social media fallout of killing a black woman. Also we just recently released her video game tie-in.” (Okay, so I guess that one came back to money again.) Did that leave them scrambling because now they had to figure out a different victim whose death wouldn’t derail future plans, so they just decided to postpone the decision while still fulfilling their season-long promise in a purely technical manner?
Point is this whole debacle has me interested as a writer because I’m as curious about the reasonings and reasons behind it as I am about if it will actually have any effect on whether people keep watching. Will it be looked back to down the road as the proverbial Jump the Shark moment? Has that moment already happened and this is just one more twitching symptom of decline? Or will all be forgiven once season seven shambles on in this October?
I presume at least some of you reading this are still current fans, or maybe even more specifically you’re one of the fans who just hit the breaking point. Any thoughts?
4 thoughts on “How far can you push?”
Sarrah W.
For me, the question of “how far can you push” with regards to TWD was answered quite a while ago. There came a point when I realized I had entirely stopped caring about the characters – or rather, there were characters I still vaguely liked, but would not be especially upset if they became zombie chow. (Oh, sorry, “walker chow” – can’t use that Z word.)
You know me, I’m honestly not a zombie person. I can enjoy zombie related things provided they have one of two things (preferably both): Good writing, and good characters. Hence why I’m here. 🙂
With TWD, the writing were initially pretty good, and I liked some of the characters, so I stuck with it for a while. But more and more, I started to notice that the characters suffered from the writers’ continual attempts to shoehorn in more drama. They would remain silent or secretive about major plot points when there seemed to be no reason to do so – aside from The Almighty Plotline. They made outright imbecilic decisions just because it was required for the next plot point. They were failing to be believable characters just to serve the story. When we started referring to the show as “The Walking Stupid”, I think the writing was already on the wall. When I realized I was only still watching it for the gore effects, I simply decided there were better uses for my time.
In short, the show lost me through apathy long ago.
Mind you, I suppose working your audience into a furor has been proven to be a pretty good way to get the attention of the masses. Whatever works, I guess. It got my attention, even if it was just the right thing to remind me why I stopped watching in the first place. 🙂
Dawn and I made it about halfway through Season 2 before we asked, “Are we watching this because we enjoy it or are we just feeling like we have to because zombies?” For my part, even back then I was seriously losing patience with some of the writing, like Lori chewing out the veterinarian for trying to save her son despite not being a “real doctor”, and not one character turning around on her and going “Hey you know what? Guy’s the closest thing we’ve got to someone with proper medical training and is doing this out of the goodness of his heart, so under the circumstances, maybe STFU.” The blonde cradling her bitten sister in her arms until she died (and turned!) was another bit of “Uhh, I know you got grief and all but that just seems flat-out dumb.” Dawn was feeling similarly underwhelmed, so we had to stop.
I’ve had friends tell me things got good again with Season 3, but the downside of this here Golden Age of Television is that there’s so much else out there to keep up on or go back to that we never got around to giving it another try. This development, though, just seemed so batshit crazy I felt compelled to give my admittedly ignorant 2 cents while appealing to those who might have stayed more loyal for their take.
As a fan of the books (up to a point, gets kinda exhausting after awhile) I was kinda worried how the show would play out after the first season with each episode featuring a different creative team (and no, I wasn’t a fan of the Dixion brothers) While there wasn’t anything ‘bad’ about the second, it was already clear that it was following the formula of allot of other cable shows like The Shield and Sopranos: drag it out as long as possible and give them just enough at the end for them to want more. I was so worn out by those other shows, it was hard for me to become invested. While the show has redeeming qualities (Daryl Dixon actual has some character development? ) The cliffhanger ending just tells me they are still dragging it out. Then again, maybe it was a attempt to avoid looking like the last episode of GoT, a favorite character left bloody and lifeless on the ground after a brutal execution.
Well for GoT what you describe is pretty much just Tuesday 🙂 But yeah, I’m trying to imagine GoT Season 1 if you had Cersei and Ned both on the chopping block in the finale and then switched to someone’s POV before the axe came down, and then went to credits. Those of us who read the books would be wondering why they bothered and those who hadn’t would probably just feel cheated.
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