A stitchin’ time.

Well, last week I had my first surgery in years, or at least the most involved one I’ve had in years. Without getting into gory details, I do want to say that either my memory is faulty or I really don’t remember past instances of this same sort of thing being so involved. Oh sure there was cutting and stitches, but not a full operating room stint with IVs and stripping of clothes and anesthesia.

I maintain it was not a serious operation, it just felt serious. And I don’t know, maybe because of the brouhaha it felt serious afterwards, too. I was ordered not to wash my hair or shower for five days, and that was rough. And the stitches throbbed and I’d get dizzy if I bent over for too long, and of course taking pain meds to compensate means you’re having to tackle the world through pain meds.

So anyhow, I’m happy for an understanding audience that allowed us to skip a week on short notice, and despite not quite feeling 100% yet I did manage to get the script finalized so we can get back on track. It’s another weirdness of brain and body, some activities (or inactivities) don’t strain you, but start trying to get your creative juices flowing and sometimes it’s suddenly like fighting through a skull-squeezing haze. I’m going to be re-reading things tonight before I letter just to make sure I was properly coherent, and then once that’s done I’ll be happy to give myself another few days for these dang stitches to stop being so ornery in terms of my thinkbox.

But hey, it’s done. And hopefully won’t have to happen again for a good, long time.

One thought on “A stitchin’ time.

  1. SARCASM ON: Yes, we almost all asked for our money back cuz we had to look at an awesome sketch of Suzie in the Badlands. /SARCASM

    Truly, glad you are ok. You owe us nothing. I like you comment about double-checking. I’m a software guy, and one time I found a problem, and looked at the code. I thought “who the hell wrote this crappy piece of code”? Investigating our tracking system showed that *I* wrote the crappy code, tyring to fix another problem. At 2:30am. Not the best time to do complex work.

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