I nearly had to kick myself…

Hey, our Kickstarter finally launched! A little later than I originally planned, but it’s live and, er… kicking…

Anyhow, remember some time back when I bragged about how Volume 2 was going to be so much easier to put together because I’d learned my lessons from the first time around and this time all the issues in it were 24 pages long?

No? Good. I probably shouldn’t have brought it up, huh? Well, funny story… last week we’re on the very cusp of hitting the launch button, when some gut feeling has me go through the pages again and — oh hey, Episode 15 was 28 pages.


So wait, that means the 200 page book I calculated for was now looking at 196 pages of content rather than 192, and here’s the hilarious thing, that doesn’t include the covers. No room for an interior title page or introduction, and most importantly no room for the Special Thanks page where we promised to put the names of our higher-tier backers.

And this is why you always double check your math before going live. Adding some more pages to the printing quote turned out to not be catastrophic, and in terms of the campaign itself just meant putting that little tilde squiggle (you know, this guy: ~) in front of 200 so that it was an approximation instead of a confident absolute.

Honestly I doubt anyone would have thrown a fit over their final book having a few extra pages than indicated (less pages would be another matter). But still, it would have felt embarrassing to me to edit after the fact, and especially in regards to some stupid counting error on my part.

Maybe I’m the bizarre one for getting worked up about accuracy like that in the wild and woolly world of crowdfunding where creators have been known to pull all kinds of Darth Vaderesque “alterings of the deal” up to and including just running off with all the money people entrusted to them.  But then again all those horror stories are such that I think it’s really important for us to be honest and on the level as much as possible, even with the little things.

One thought on “I nearly had to kick myself…

  1. For me as a reader, i’m not going to remember that 200 pages was promised and look for that. If it showed up as 50 pages I would notice, but otherwise not.

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