Fightin’ words…

DISCLAIMER: The following “script” image is satire. Thankfully.

I believe I will keep this saved as a perfect case study in “how to get your artist to kill you in your sleep.” No, strike that. The artist will probably want you wide awake, able to feel every moment of suffering.

Of course like all good satire, Walter Ostlie has presented something here that is uncomfortably close enough to truth to make one squirm. I’ve written before about the pitfalls of presuming too much where the graphical component of bringing your imaginings to life is concerned, but I love this for being oh, so wrong on so many levels — from the instructions to somehow fit three “splash pages” onto a single page, to the indication there is going to be a literal encyclopedia of text crammed in (which they didn’t even bother to make explicit), to insisting on seeing each individual scale of a dragon visibly sparking in the “moon and sun light”(?!).

And of course the icing on the cake, the exhortation “really go for it here.”

An audible *chef kiss* to this abomination, and my condolences to any artist that’s ever gotten anything close to it. I’d be fleeing the city, too.