7 Days, 28 Days Later…

In my review of 7 Days to Die last week I talked about how the name of the game largely comes from the mechanic that, by default, the game is set so that every seven days of in-game time a “blood moon” event occurs, where as the sun goes down in a blood-red sky, hordes of frenzied zombies will stop their random shambling and instead make a full assault your safe house as you and your friends try desperately to hold them off. If you manage that, you have another seven days to repair, scavenge, explore and prep before they’ll be back again, even stronger than before. They might even bring along some new friends to mess with your battle plan. You’ll also keep respawning on death so long as your bedroll remains intact… but you may wish you didn’t.

Given the swiftness of zombies on blood moon night, it seemed appropriate for Dawn to capture and edit a video of our experiences of the fourth assault, i.e. “28 days later.” Massive spoilers of course, but now I know all-too-well what the commenter last week meant about finding a second base to avoid damage to the main one. Yikes.

A few caveats — we have some mods and adjustments in place for our server (like we don’t drop items on death, which would have led to a lot of bare-handed punching). The game is still in early access so there are some notable glitches, like Anthony ending up stuck floating his way through most of the video. Also this is VERY DEFINITELY NSFW or for any other environment sensitive to colorful language. Let’s just say panic mode doesn’t lend itself well to bowdlerized utterances like “shucks” and “dang.”

Also also: Dawn + shotgun + panic = teamkill shenanigans.







5 thoughts on “7 Days, 28 Days Later…

  1. Did someone call the large female zombie “Muriel”? That was great. Did you make that zombie? What a nightmare scenario. Especially when there was one hole in the wall then a zombie blew it wide open.

  2. Yep, that was me, and nope, the big lady in the dress is a standard zombie model in the game. A lot of streamers refer to her as “Big Mama” but I have my own frame of reference. 😀

    One of the other female zombie models was named Darlene by the devs in the game files, but she doesn’t have pigtails so I’ll call that coincidence.

    And yeah, the little breach was bad enough but once our entire front wall collapsed things went to hell in a hurry!

  3. That was great! I laughed so hard, must be something seriously wrong with me. Loved it! I was the one who warned you about fighting in your base on horde night. Don’t want to spoil it but there are some good places to make your “last stand” on horde night. You all looked like you were having some great fun.

  4. I mean you could hear how much we were laughing, so you’re not alone!

    We did find what we figured was a pretty good place to use for horde defense but this game makes a mockery of “foolproof” plans so it went swimmingly for the first several in-game hours and then around 2am everything went to crap. But at least our main house didn’t get leveled this time 😛

  5. Hope you post some more video of your game play. I’d definitely watch it. My friend’s server is down currently with update issues.

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