15 thoughts on “539 – A Knife In The Dark (END OF EPISODE 22)

  1. Why am I not surprised.

  2. Typical, it’s always someone else’s fault. Revenge is not just best served cold, but by stupid too. “This is all your fault!” Which is wrong, but in his head, it’s right.

    1. It’s also been heavily hinted he has already been brain washed by the zombie worshiping cult.

      1. Which, no doubt, made easier because of that under-lying feeling. People are always looking for a scape-goat…

    2. I don’t know if you got my callback by intent or not, but it’s great to see almost the same words echoed! https://www.zombieranchcomic.com/comic/203-breaking-worst/

  3. Honestly, probably the first time he’s ever taken control of and done ever in his life. There’s a reason why they kept him. Give a dog that’s been beat all its life a whiff of conference and control, you got a problem.

  4. Imagine his surprise when he stabs a pillow. 😜

  5. He isn’t in control, RC – he’s probably drugged to the very dilated eyeballs, probably with Datura. Back on p.443, Eustace is shown holding a Mojave Rattlesnake on a stick while the Brujefe milks it into a glass. Mojave venom A is a paralytic neurotoxin, like tetrodotoxin. Tetrodotoxin was thought to be part of the legendary Haitian “zombie powder”. The other part was Datura, which contains scopalamine, which messes with memory and concentration, and is supposed to render victims docile and suggestible.
    The question is, where did he get his current dose, and did a little drone whisper in his ear?

    1. Except Datura doesn’t do that. You’re thinking of the compound Scoplolmine (AKA the devil’s breath) which generally comes from a specific plant, Borrochero (Brugmansia arbora) that is native to Columbia that the gang in question probably would have had access to. It’s active compound obliterates free will, your conscious, you can function as normal but you are totally open to suggestion which is what happened to McCarty here. Datura just makes you trip mad balls and maybe die, but it does not make you a puppet.

  6. Dr. Norman (not a real doctor)

    Me lleva la chingada !

  7. I’m betting money there’s no one in that bed and it’s a ruse to get him caught.

  8. I agree, the question is, will she just shoot him, will she have him added to the herd, or keep him alive to question him?

  9. Dr. Norman (not a real doctor)

    [Zombatar] and [TKG], please resend cocktail recipe. My efforts to date yield only a foul taste and a mild buzz.

  10. Just a disclaimer before I answer that, I don’t recommend using datura or borrochero, the risks are a bit too high. I say this because the potency can vary from plant to plant within the same growing year and for some a real datura trip can be psychologically damaging. But anyway, the main way to use D. stramonium is to smoke it’s leaves and or seeds blended in with tobacco, I’d presume you can also do this with D. metel, which is the one commonly sold in garden centers as plants and seeds. The seeds are susually what folks focus on because as with many nightshades the active compound is centered there as a chemical defence against insects that would otherwise eat the seeds. The issue with D. metel is that it’s been hybridized for flowers and away from the normal Datura benefits so it might be all bitter and no bang so to speak. As for Borrochero or Brugmansia arborea, you really don’t want to go there. When I said it removes free weill and leaves you open to suggestion, it annihilates it for hours, and anyone can get you to do whatever so I really do not suggest it. Gangs and cartels use it to rob people blind already, you just don’t want that.

  11. Dr. Norman (not a real doctor)

    Interesting, thank you. Truth be told youthful experimentation satisfied my curiosity.

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539 – A Knife In The Dark (END OF EPISODE 22)

Happy Holidays, all! That's a wrap (heh) for Episode 22 just in time for a Christmas cliffhanger! Hope we don't twist the knife too much...

See y'all in 2025 when Zombie Ranch continues!

Cyberpunk 2020?

A lot of folk are aware there’s a big video game release in the pipe for later this year produced by CD Projekt Red, the same people behind the acclaimed game adaptations of The Witcher. Mind you the very latest news is that Cyberpunk 2077 has been delayed until September, but it’s still on track for 2020. This is important, if you pay any mind to the arbitrary numbers we assign to our Earth’s revolutions around its sun. Why? Well, the property was originally a tabletop role-playing game released in 1988 and called Cyberpunk 2020, depicting a polluted, dystopian future world where multinational corporations ruled, the lines between the haves and have-nots were stark, and “cyberpunks” moved between the cracks of society, using their wits and gadgets to evade a pervasive, invasive information state seeking to catalog and control their every move. Technically speaking, now that I’m refreshing my memories, the 1988 first edition was Cyberpunk 2013 and it’s the more well-known (well-known to old nerds, anyhow) 2nd edition published in 1990 that was Cyberpunk 2020. But I suppose the point is, when updating the property they couldn’t still call it Cyberpunk 2020 anymore because that future is now. I mean I’m not even talking the multinational corporations and class warfare, we’re getting the first salvos of that technological gizmo arms race. If you don’t have time or inclination to follow that link, I’ll just mention a couple of things. One, you can now buy “Reflectacles” for your eyewear, and that name and their description sound like something straight off an RPG sourcebook equipment list: “…made of a material that reflects the infrared light found in surveillance cameras…” In other words, all that facial recognition software people are increasingly worried about?  
Good luck with that…
Or how about a clothing line that makes apparel printed with fake or out-of-use license plate imagery that can throw traffic cameras for a loop by drowning them in false data? Adversarial Fashion has you covered, and again seems like the kind of thing that would have been a darkly absurd Phillip K. Dick dream until recent years. No doubt the makers and users of the surveillance equipment will react to this eventually. Then the fringe will react to the reaction, and so on and so forth. I mean, as Rosa and Chuck are currently in the process of trying to defeat unwanted surveillance of their own, these things are close to my wheelhouse, but I don’t think I’m too far-fetched in surmising that (jacking your brain directly into the ‘Net aside) the Cyberpunks have arrived.