America used to be described as a “
melting pot,” supposedly as a metaphor for a place where all races, colors and creeds could mix and flow together in order to create something far greater (and stronger? tastier?) than they could separately.
YMMV on how well that’s panned out. Let’s talk about the idea of a mixing pot instead, like the kind you might use (appropriately enough in this case) for paint or ink.
This past weekend Dawn and I were once again hawking our wares at the Long Beach Comic Con, and since LBCC is not nearly the sort of wall-to-wall hustle that SDCC is, we made time for ourselves to switch off for periods of what we like to call “walkabout.” Which is just what it sounds like: one of us gets out from behind the booth and goes walking about — looking at stuff, saying hi to people, etc.
So it was that I found Dave Gibbons all alone at his table at the Hero Initiative booth, with no line, and got to talk his ear off for several minutes. Yes,
that Dave Gibbons. One-half of the creative team that brought us
the greatest superhero graphic novel of all time. Well, technically a trade paperback since it was first serialized in individual issues, but you get the idea.
As far as I know Gibbons still lives in England, so I’ve got no idea how Long Beach got him out as a guest, but after a quick double-take I thought, “Self, yes, you’ve seen him before and that is Dave f’ing Gibbons right before you. Go get you some quality time.” After he didn’t immediately run me off, I eventually got around to asking him just how detailed Alan Moore’s script for
Watchmen was. How much was already there, how controlled was the imagery and symbolism… I think he got the gist of my blathering because he interrupted to say that it was really a combined effort. “Do you know I came up with the happy face idea?” he asked.
No, I replied, I did not. He explained how at first Alan was picturing the character of The Comedian in military fatigues, but that seemed just sort of boring, so Dave switched it up to black leather and then threw in the happy face button as a contrast. Moore loved the little seemingly incongruous touch, and then had the brainstorm that they could start out the first panel with a close-up on it, and before you know it the two of them had excitedly figured out, together, that it represented a main theme and the whole series could revolve around it and the blood spatter marring its image.
The rest is history, but it just goes to show how collaborative an art form comics can be and how the mixing of writer and artist can produce something greater than either might dream up on their own. Out of that mixture can come magic.
10 thoughts on “540 – Trick Hello”
Called it, she figured he’d do this, if by choice or by zombie voodoo. I’m sure the “friendlier” questioning will start soon, if she doesn’t just kill him out-right. Or just add him to the herd.
This turn of events is a surprise only to Eustace. And, maybe, Eustace’s subconscious. After all, this way he doesn’t have to actually risk actually attacking Suzie, which gives him a greater chance of survival than actually attacking her. I wonder what he was promised/threatened with?
Not to nit-pick, but since sights are on target, finger should be on the trigger. Especially this close.
The usual rule is “keep finger straight and off trigger until sights are on target”.
Dr. Norman (not a real doctor)
Not to nit-pick, but since that was current philosophies regarding trigger discipline have evolved.
Of course, it will depend on who you get/got your training from.
Experiments have determined that the fraction of a second to go from finger off the trigger to finger firing when appropriate is insignificant, and the risk of firing unintended is greatly reduced.
Dr. Norman (not a real doctor)
I did the google thing and I believe I saw how you reached this conclusion … but there are two parts to it – One should not omit the second part.
“Trigger Finger Discipline: · The practice of keeping your finger “off the trigger” until your sights are on target AND YOU ARE READY TO DISCHARGE THE FIREARM.” (Caps are my own)
She wants him alive so she can question him; otherwise, he’d already be dead.
Good discussion on trigger discipline!
His skin is very pale / gray. Is this malnourishment, or has he been poisoned with a mind-control drug? I would have to go back and look a t all various of skin tone.
On a prior page we discussed what he’s likely got running in his system. I suggested that it’s probably Borrochero (Brugmansia arbora) which is already used by Colombian cartels to eradicate the free will of their victims.
Dr. Norman (not a real doctor)
Now can we satisfy my curiosity? Colt, Smith & Wesson, Ruger, or other timeline variant?