3 thoughts on “534 – Compliments To The Cook

  1. Of course, the sleezer gave them expired food XD

  2. Chuck acknowledged that the bucket “survival food” was old, with the potential of being bad, but admitting it still had the potential for being good! 🤣
    Con in Pasadena? I had to check, Cali, not TX, tho they have smaller shows at the college, I figured not likely, as Pasadena/Deer Park is in the news again, for all the wrong reasons (again), after an SUV crashed into a LNG pipeline, turning it into a blowtorch.

  3. Dangit! I *know* I put in my name and info!

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534 – Compliments To The Cook

Hearkening back to the events of page 269!

Meanwhile, this weekend we're bringing Zombie Ranch to the wide-open spaces. Comparatively. The trade volumes will be among our offerings at the annual Pasadena ARTWalk at Booth #32 in the shady lanes of Green Street.

May be an image of 1 person and text


Topics, topics, everywhere…

For as long as I can remember, I’ve forgotten. Dang, that would actually make for a pretty good opening line to a novel, wouldn’t it? But what I mean specifically in this case isn’t just “where did I put my keys?” or “what was that dude’s name?” No, in this case it’s the fact that so much has happened since the last time I really blogged that it’s all sort of mushed together in my head to a useless amount of white noise. It’s the same phenomenon I experience when I have a few hours to kill and decide to watch a movie, but suddenly all I can think of is several instances since the last time I watched a movie where I picture myself clearly uttering, “oh man, I totally still need to watch <REDACTED>” and no it’s not a movie called REDACTED it’s just that for the life of me I can’t recall what it was. Maybe you’ve experienced the same thing. No? Just me then? Do you perhaps (figuratively or literally) lower your glasses just so upon the bridge of your nose, peer over them and suggest, in none too dulcet tones that “Well, Mr. Writer… perhaps you ought to start writing these things down?” Perhaps, perhaps. Something to be aspired to. The middle-aged dog learning a new trick. In the meantime there’s so much to say that I don’t quite know what to say at all. Topics, topics everywhere, and not a thought to think. S’alright though, I’m pretty sure I’m inherently incapable of shutting up. Gimme a week or two and we’ll figure this out.