3 thoughts on “530 – After Dinner Stints

  1. Chateau L’Chuck – sounds like a fun place to rent as an AerBnB.

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530 – After Dinner Stints

Rosa isn't used to working in groups, methinks. Hopefully she's not of the "three may keep a secret if two are dead" school.

Next comic page should be coming along on July 10th, after which it'll be San Diego Comic Con time! We'll leave a "boothfinder" page up for that period and then should be continuing with the story on August 7th.

Unto the 7th Son…

Hi all, Brief interlude here. Being listed on Topwebcomics.com has been helping us out a lot in terms of getting new eyeballs to our site (and thanks for all the votes! Keep ’em coming!). Anyhow, they recently put out a call to member webcomics to help promote the works of one of their own who has recently gotten a bona fide book deal out of his hard work. This chap, J.C. Hutchins, has been publishing a series called 7th Son: Descent for free online, much of which is still free in several different formats. Richard Mathis of TWC sums it up best:
“Welcome to J.C. Hutchins’ SF thriller 7th Son: Descent, a novel set in present day featuring human cloning, dangerous technologies, and “beyond Top Secret” government conspiracies. I’m letting everyone know about an exciting publication that started as an online podcast, and now is being sold in stores everywhere. And whats more amazing than a fellow internet creator bringing his works from the free digital format to the printed page, is that he’s still publishing everything for free online. If you want to check this out, listen to the book for free, read it for free, or even buy the book, check out his site over here: JCHutchins.net You could even join the ranks of his online army by participating in Warvember just like I am.”
Science fiction thrillers? Web publications making it to the bookstores? Hey, we’ll tip our hats to that war effort. Check it out! 7S_250x250