The joy of the occasional Taco Tuesday

I made tacos tonight, and it was good.

Well, duh, Clint, you might say, tacos are good (unless you think tacos are not good, but let’s not go down that deviant road, shall we?). But the thing is that tacos are something I like to pair with beer, and beer can make me sleepy, and sleepy is not usually something I can afford to be on a Tuesday night when we’re trying to get the week’s comic page finalized and published.

It’s an example of one of those small things we did sort of trade away when we decided to start doing this so many years ago. TV show airing new episodes Tuesday night? Free movie sneak preview? Birthday party? Honestly it’s freaking weird how many things sometimes go on in the middle of the week, and you’ll never notice it until you have prior entanglements.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not about to abandon Zombie Ranch in favor of tacos, but it’s nice every so often when you do get the opportunity to give yourself that break in the cycle and have a moment to enjoy those little things again. It makes everything taste better.