Frank just can't seem to say what he wants to about Zeke, can he? Of course, at this point matters have probably gone beyond hope of peaceful resolution, and meanwhile Suzie might be out from under the gun, but she's got the entirety of a riled up, carnvorous herd to look forwards to dealing with.
That's it for Episode 6! If you've joined us as a regular reader within the last few months, you may or may not be aware that at the end of each chapter we take a week's pause to create a cover image, then dive into the next chunk of story the week after that. So be here on or after December 5th if that's what you're after, otherwise we'll see you on the 28th for some artwork and yet another of Clint's blogs. Happy (U.S.) Thanksgiving to those of you celebrating!
P.S. Yeah, we know some of you have been eagerly awaiting Muriel's fate, and we have cruelly withheld any details. Is she alive? Dead? Dead alive? We ain't tellin' (or showin') yet, but we hope what we have planned will be worth the wait.
3 thoughts on “147 – Turning Point (END OF EPISODE 6)”
3 thoughts on “147 – Turning Point (END OF EPISODE 6)”
Good old Suzie; talk about “getting right back on the horse!” 😀
again, no image ! we’ll do the trick yet
not yet, but we’ll try again
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