172 – Rising Hatred

Dangit, Muriel, why can't you just die? Okay, so dying sometimes isn't so permanent a thing with zombies involved, but you have to wonder if undeath might leave her with less of a one-track mind!

JUST THREE PAGES LEFT! *insert dramatic HBO music*

Now don't get scared, we don't mean no more Zombie Ranch after that, but we are finishing up the finale of our first big arc at long last, and that means we're looking at the possibility of a break in the latter part of July, maybe some of August as well, before starting up the next storyline. Call it the end of a nearly four year long Season? Whew. Summer is generally a slow readership period for webcomics and we're thinking of using some time to get a few long overdue projects done, like an expanded cast page, before leaping forth into the next tale. Episodes 1-7, all 175 pages of them, are what we're looking at for our first printed trade... we don't know if we're ready to go live with a Kickstarter for that just yet, but it's time to at least get one figured out. Anyhow, between now and July 24th would be an excellent time to submit any fan art you might have been inspired to do, otherwise Dawn will do what she can to fill the gaps (though it will probably be silliness as she takes some time off from being scripted). Clint's writer blogs will continue as usual. So there's your official warning. We'll try to get more of a sense of exactly how long the "Summer vacation" will last as we get closer, but we're pretty certain we've got things set up so that, while you'll be left with questions for the future, there won't be guns to anyone's heads while you wait to see what happens next.    

11 thoughts on “172 – Rising Hatred

  1. Sleepless in Seattle

    HA! Maybe now I can actually try get to a fan pic like I had wanted to…. maybe…..this next month and a half is going to be….interesting and stressful, to say the least. I will make that announcement on fb in a week or two as to why. >_<

    [begins to slowly plot idea or two for pic]

  2. And that was when Eustace had a moment of terrible clarity… This was it. The walls were closing in, his reckoning was calling, and he knew… that if he didn’t shoot that stupid dog Courage now, that he would never get a second chance…

  3. :O …got to give it to Muriel, she’s got a very strong instinct of survival o__0

  4. Ooga booga, KIY. Ooga booga.

  5. If you guys do a Kickstarter for a trade paperback, I’d be in for certain! I’m a big fan of the comic and have all the issues you’ve already printed. Keep up the great work!

  6. When she finally goes down they had better run her through the chipper to make sure she stays that way…

    On a side note, Eustace has a horrid shooting position. I don’t think he’s even using the sights.

    Also, in the last panel, her right hand doesn’t seem quite right. I’m not sure why, but it looks like it’s pressed against the inside of my monitor.

    Loving this story arc! Perfect expression on Franks face! Keep it up!

  7. @Anon Rifle at that range Use Sights? How could you miss? No he will be fine. Honeybear about to lose her head one last time.

  8. Awws.. Well I can’t wait to see what happens next and hopefully now Muriel will die.. or take Eustance with her.. sheesh.

    You two have been working so hard on this arc, I can’t believe it’s been going on for so long.. I guess that means I’ve been reading it for quite a while huh?
    Quite a lucky find on my part. Especially for someone who doesn’t normally read about zombies and the like, but I love the combinations you two throw in to make things interesting.

    Please take a break. Enjoy yourselves. I don’t want either of you to get burnt out, I would rather have an artist take a break to recollect than to keep going and their work suffer.

    I wish I had some type of talent to draw so I could submit fanart.. but alas, my talent is in writing. 🙂

    Great work you two. If you want to do a book, let me know. I have a few zombie loving friends who would be interested and I would certainly like an autographed copy myself.. 🙂

    Thanks again.


  9. Holy crap! There are implacable foes, and then there’s Muriel. Eustace had better be aiming to put “Honeybear” down, or else…or else…I may stop reading this webcomic; so there! 😀

  10. You should get your answers soon, chumash, for better or worse 😉 And thanks for the support, everyone, especially the notions of interest in a trade. Thanks especially to Scarlett for expressing she’d want a trade collection even despite having the individual comic issues, I admit I’ve been wondering about that, especially since we’ve yet to get 6 and 7 released!

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