178 – Revision History

Honestly, it's not that big a deal that our mysterious ClearStream executive has the power to make edits. You have to expect that. But having this world's approximation of Siri understand and obey him without a single glitch? Now that's impressive.

7 thoughts on “178 – Revision History

  1. Mr. Clean is so shady :O
    and I have to say I like taking my time looking at your pages, sometimes, stuff you hadn’t noticed at first just appear and surprises you.
    Like the hidden cambot in the 1st panel… or those strands of hair in his ear 😛

  2. A little “judicious editing”…what’s he trying to hide, I wonder? : D

  3. We did some work on the making the ‘bot in panel 1 just visible enough without being obvious… maybe something that, as said, you go back and see after missing it the first time. Glad to hear we seem to have the balance right on that. 🙂

  4. Well. this certainly explains a few of those “impossible” video streams at the end of the last chapter. Well played, guys. 😉

    Of course, this also raises another question. If zombies fully ignore the presence of robots, then was there any particular work on fully robotic combat androids that would take on the hordes instead of squishy humans? I could see a combat-bot just walk (or roll) right up to a zed hordes with some chaingun and rotary sawblade attachments and decimate the pack.

    Of course, once zombie blood became a lot more valuable, I can see more folks being AGAINST chopping them up with robots, but still, they’d be there just in case. 😛

  5. The big question would still be one of mobility. As our armchair vet states, there’s still a weight limit on the anti-grav tech… he names a person being right out, so safe to assume that by the time the sensors and communications and such are in the chassis of an AAVDRO, you’re not going to be mounting any Vulcan cannons on them. Without the anti-grav, you’re right back to tracks and wheels and all the inherent problems with those. But within those limitations, well, such a thing could certainly have helped with hordes. I don’t hold much to the common zombie fiction notion that machineguns are useless because they don’t aim for the head… some things, you just don’t have to aim 😀

    But mainly, yes, then came the whole complication that maybe you want to keep the zombies around. I agree though, it does make you wonder what might have been back in the day… and what might still be gathering dust… edited from the official record for your protection…

  6. Still….a lot of weapons systems are a lot lighter than a person and it wouldn’t take much to knock out a zed…..do I smell a plot to replace our epic ranchers with lethal and non-lethal armed robots?!

  7. Couldn’t the troops roll up in trucks or APCs or something? They could blast away at the zed-heads, then retreat if it got too hairy. Or, if the zombies are universally the “slow, stupid” type, there’s always the WWZ-inspired “reinforced square”. Lots of ways to fight zombies, not much reason to hide the floating cameras…unless Mr. Clean knows something we don’t know. 😀

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