What time is it? Time to drain the moat again. In the meanwhile, ever heard of the Mathematician's Answer? "If you ask someone a question, and he gives you an entirely accurate answer that is of no practical use whatsoever, he has just given you a Mathematician's Answer."
A good example of this would be the question, "What are you reading?", and the person responds, "A book." --- with no further elaboration. Well, Suzie's no mathematician, but she's not letting that stop her. Maybe her own patience with the camera dronesĀ isn't as inexhaustible as she puts on...
In other news, your humble Zombie Ranch creators got to be part of the Fanboy Comics podcast for this week! Mostly Clint, though Dawn does give an audible 'yay' at one point. A dark secret about this very blog is revealed! Okay, maybe not so dark. Slightly dim? But we still encourage you to check it out if you have the time, either on iTunes or through the Fanboy Comics website.
then you have to get them out of there… crappy job, if you ask me, even worse than counting them. Maybe Lacey will be Lucky enough to have something else to do š
3 thoughts on “229 – Rancher’s Answer”
then you have to get them out of there… crappy job, if you ask me, even worse than counting them. Maybe Lacey will be Lucky enough to have something else to do š
Ya, Lacey is not going to look forward to this.
Does zed soup have a marketable demand? š
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