250 – Best Practices

Chuck doesn't really comprehend the finer points of zombie physiology, just the physiology insofar as it can make the most money. Speaking of Chuck and money... *fanfare* THE KICKSTARTER IS FUNDED! What does Chuck have to do with that? Well, we have stretch goals still to try and reach, and one of them is raiding Uncle Chuck's stash for all sorts of Zombie Ranch-related goodies to give out to backers, up to and including custom-made pendants! We're still taking pledges until May 10! KICKSTARTER LINK STRETCH GOAL UPDATE In honor of publishing our 250th story page, we have a new interview up, this time with a little online magazine you may have heard of called Bleeding Cool! LINK And if you're in the Riverside, California area, we're going to be at Player's Dugout Comics & Cards on Saturday, May 2nd, all day for Free Comic Book Day! Drop by, say hi! Player's Dugout: 9428 Magnolia Ave, Riverside, CA 92503

4 thoughts on “250 – Best Practices

  1. Yay! Gratz for reaching your kickstarter goal! I’m so glad for you šŸ˜€ (I’ll try to throw in a lil something too, when I figure out how it works)

  2. When you meet your stretch goals does it leave stretch marks ?

  3. It leaves shiny goodies, such as this!

  4. That’s a mighty fine goody šŸ™‚

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