We've seen that spray before, and it proved pretty pivotal to the climax of Episode 7. Of course, given the current circumstances Suzie may soon wish she wasn't smelling quite so delicious...
The Kickstarter campaign is over, and successful! Thank you to everyone who joined in or even just spread the news; because of your support we should have a nice shiny trade paperback collection of Zombie Ranch printed up by this coming Fall, and that's quite exciting!
Lots of extra work to do now, but barring unforeseen circumstance we should be continuing the webcomic without interruption at least until we get to San Diego Comic-Con time. In the meanwhile, you can enjoy an audio interview with Dawn & Clint from the floor of the last WonderCon, courtesy of the fine folks over at Making Comics!
4 thoughts on “252 – Smooth Coating”
And here’s where the sabotaged wiring will come back to bite Suzie on the ass.
So much drama! Clearstream folks must be so happy, right now o.0
This is exactly why you go through a test run first.
Hey, she checked everything was working right! Just, alas, didn’t check twice…
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