Happy New Year, everyone! Our media interlude with the "Wild" Will Show continues, and based on the evidence here we would almost suspect that Will was tracking down Uncle Chuck instead of a gaggle of teenage Repops. But a professional* like Chuck would never have left that cheap plastic souvenir in the other machine unlooted!
(*for a given value of "professional")
Much like it did when it was alive… it tries to eat you!
In this world even the formerly human zombies aren’t hungry 100% of the time. Just mostly, and especially in the wilds where meals might be few and far between.
4 thoughts on “401 – Zoological Anxiety”
I tried to sell my MOLDAMATIC souvenir on fleabay, but even though they’re rare they’re not going for enough to make it worth paying for the shipping
Denita TwoDragons
I have fond memories of watching the Mold-A-Rama machine at St. Louis Zoo. I was just telling my kids about them a few weeks ago, and now this!
Just wondering … how does a zombie beast show it is hungry?
Much like it did when it was alive… it tries to eat you!
In this world even the formerly human zombies aren’t hungry 100% of the time. Just mostly, and especially in the wilds where meals might be few and far between.
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