CLINT: Hi all, thanks for your patience with this update. As mentioned there were some unexpected health troubles, and while we're not quite sure yet about the cause, Dawn was finally able to recover enough this past weekend in order to get the page finished. Nothing has been serious enough for hospitalization but we're now waiting on some test results and we'll see how things go from here. If she's up to it there will be another page next Wednesday as usual, if not and she needs more rest I'll let you folks know and I'll try to find another tidbit from the archives to tide you over.
And I just realized this is Comic 404, which means last week would have technically been a "404 Not Found." How appropriate.
3 thoughts on “404 – Greenscreen With Envy”
Considering how much Clearstream is meddling in Suzie’s life, that’s pretty ironic. ?
Crazyman you are right! Will does not know what he is asking for if he wants more excitement.
Suzie’s show takes place in the wilds for real, whereas Will’s show is still in Santone, just the bad part of town (and not really).
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