[UPDATE 8/19/20 from Clint: As noted on our facebook page, no new comic this week as between the heat and smoke around our parts Dawn is (quite literally) under the weather. I still have a new writer's blog up so feel free to peruse that in the meantime if you feel the notion.]
Ever heard the phrase "bury the lede"? Well that lede was buried so dang deep the Doc almost had to exchange her scalpel for a shovel.
Did the whole drama at Circle-Z from Zeke-bite to now take only a few weeks? I like the Doc and White Cloud. Doc is a bit tightly wound, which is not compatible with Jimmy’s laid-back flippancy.
2 thoughts on “455 – A Need For Lede”
Did the whole drama at Circle-Z from Zeke-bite to now take only a few weeks? I like the Doc and White Cloud. Doc is a bit tightly wound, which is not compatible with Jimmy’s laid-back flippancy.
Stay safe. Getting lots of smoke here.
What, Ted?
Strange things are afoot at the Circle Z!
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