[UPDATE 12/1/21: Thanksgiving weekend was busy for us and we think next week as well, so we're setting our sights on 12/15 for a new page just before our first new convention appearance at Season's Screamings. Then depending how that goes y'all might get a 12/22 update before the Holidays take over. Thanks for sticking by!]
CLINT: It's here! Our first story page since going on hiatus in May. Will we follow it up with another next Wednesday? As discussed we're making no promises at the moment, but getting this published and making my usual awful puns for the title seems like a good step on the path to recovery. Hope you enjoy, and we also wish much good turkey munching to our fellows in the States!
My credit card is standing by to reward you for your behavior.
I’m in San Diego, but unlikely to see you in LA – tell me how to compensate you for your efforts.
Oh, and what is your projected timeline for the NSFW print edition regarding that – Oh, you know who I mean, the hottie with the grenade launcher and her beau with the chapeau?
6 thoughts on “486 – Get The Lede Out”
Not that Oscar is perfect, but getting rightly put down by Chuck, he’s got to own that.
Great to see you back, even if intermittently (though hopefully more regularly, because spring eternally and all that).
Great to see you back!
Aw snap ZR is back and it’s not even Christmas! Any update is better than no update at all and absolutely better than a hiatus that never ends.
My credit card is standing by to reward you for your behavior.
I’m in San Diego, but unlikely to see you in LA – tell me how to compensate you for your efforts.
Oh, and what is your projected timeline for the NSFW print edition regarding that – Oh, you know who I mean, the hottie with the grenade launcher and her beau with the chapeau?
Best way right now is probably supporting Dawn’s patreon. She should have some online store links there, as well!
It took me two weeks, but I just got the reference of the mules names … mirth and rejoicing spring afresh.
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