498 – How Touching

[UPDATE: Next comic page delayed but should be up 9/14. See you then!] Lacey did say she was gettin' all the guns. Anyhow Rosa, focus on your rage and maybe you won't notice your nose itching...

5 thoughts on “498 – How Touching

  1. “She’d better give that back in pristine condition, and with a full load of ammo to boot!” šŸ™

  2. I’m guessing that in this timeline the ammo is more difficult to obtain than the weapon.

  3. Supply chain issues are always a problem along the frontier. Best to stick to something in a common caliber, for better odds in finding a restock. Or learn how to load your own.

  4. And this is why you keep a good scrounger like Uncle Chuck around despite his quirks. Rosa’s gun is just a good ol’ .45 automatic so nothing fancy there.

  5. I wandered into the big chain sporting goods store today, checked out the ammo shelves, mostly full, in time for hunting season, in the popular calibers. Pistols, 9mm and .45 auto; rifles, .223/5.56, .308, .22LR, 6.5 Creedmoor, one facing of *Russian made* 7.62×39. I didn’t notice any .38 Special or .30-30, a couple of classic favorites. I recall from back during the Hurricane Rita evacuation in ’05, stopping at a small all-in-one country store, spotting several boxes of .30-30, .308, and 12 gauge behind the counter, perfect for the forgetful hunter on the way to a deer lease to grab a box.

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