In case you're wondering why she's shouting for water, well... not literally. Relevant writer's blog here:
Next page scheduled for Oct. 4th!
Zombie Ranch
An online webcomic about a group of cowboys/cowgirls and their Zombie herd.
Zombie Ranch
An online webcomic about a group of cowboys/cowgirls and their Zombie herd.
In case you're wondering why she's shouting for water, well... not literally. Relevant writer's blog here:
Next page scheduled for Oct. 4th!
5 thoughts on “518 – International Phrasing”
Concord Bob
Hey, looks like even a continuity error in the editing! Ooh i wonder if Mr Boss had them splice in the complement to the network.
Happens a lot in reality TV where they’ll do sudden cutaways to a “private interview” reaction, which is what I intended to capture. But your idea works, too!
Dr. Norman (not a real doctor)
Por favor agua? Hay un problema?
I’m guessing he means fewer safe zone stops on the way to farther safe zones, but the way he says it makes it sound like they currently stop outside safe zones to refuels. That seemed weird on first read.
But enjoying reading again. I missed that you started up again.
Back in the first media interlude we had about High Road Couriers we showed how there are fortified refueling stations out in the Wild Zones, but they will (of course) price gouge the heck out of any courier needing to use them. Being able to circumvent those stops is really good for a bottom line.
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