523 – Canned Responses

And here's the new page! Your patience is, as always, appreciated, since last week turned out to be a lot. Even more than we figured. Let's just say we have a new water heater now and leave it at that.

Happy Valentine's Day to those celebrating, and if you're involuntarily single may love be in your future, and if you're voluntarily single may you dodge the Hallmark salvos until it all blows over. For us our nineteenth wedding anniversary is coming up real soon so we're going to allow ourselves some measure of sappiness on account of maintaining that through rich and poor, sickness and health, and all the rest of that, and we'll hopefully see y'all here again on Feb 28!

[Update from Clint: Weeeeell there was some sickness in the form of Dawn having a migraine episode. Pushing back next page to March 6th. Appreciate y'all's patience as always.]

5 thoughts on “523 – Canned Responses

  1. Dr. Norman (not a real doctor)

    Oh yeah, water heaters can be FUN.
    I like that head spin in panel three.
    Yeah, doing a little bit more than watching, I wonder if the whole corporate sponsor thing is kind of like the super bowl – is there a yearly peak where the product placement sees a bigger audience at a higher cost?

    1. Thanks! I had fun figuring out how I wanted to draw panel 3. Could have done a simple head turn, but felt his personality is more animated than that. Also, feel that he’s not good at being subtle.

  2. Congratulations on 19 years! You both have been through a lot, but have faithfully stood together and supported each other, which is very admirable.

  3. Loved this page. “Worse than sun-baked babies” is a line that will stick with me. Can’t blame him for being cautious since we know anyone could be watching even with a stealth camera drone.

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