524 – Stopped Watch

Meanwhile, back at the Z Ranch, we pick up where we last left off, with a certain prodigal pa's return...

We should have our next page up on 3/20, though given our recent track record I suppose we wouldn't set our watch by that (heh). Your humble proprietors expect to at least have page 525 up before WonderCon... then after that will be prepping for and then recovering from said WonderCon so figure on April 10th by our reckoning for page 526.

UPDATE: We're still on track for page 525 before WonderCon but it'll be 3/27 rather than 3/20. We should have the floor plan map and everything up in the blog for that, too. See you then!

3 thoughts on “524 – Stopped Watch

  1. Dr. Norman (not a real doctor)

    Wow. Just wow.
    Nice approaches to the layout and story telling.
    And the tale itself – I’m on tenterhooks. I can think of several ways this could go south rapidly, and I do not mean down Mexico way.

  2. Dr. Norman (not a real doctor)

    Also, nice execution of binoculars / views

    1. Thank you! I tossed the idea to Clint to draw out his script this way for this page and I’m happy it turned out the way I had hoped it would.

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