61 – Let There Be Light

So I was having a hard time trying to find something to blog about on my Zombie Ranch comic. I'm horrible at blogging because I really feel like I have nothing worth saying. So I decided to try out a random blog topic generator in hopes of getting my brain started. Well it didn't work because I don't want to talk about political issues or botanical art. Then I stumbled on a random question generator and...well it caused me to create this: The random question was "How would a spork parade?" It gave me such a visual that I couldn't help myself but draw something. After completing this very quick sketch, I laughed and suddenly realized how weird my imagination is.

2 thoughts on “61 – Let There Be Light

  1. If you have ever watched anything by Satoshi Kon, you wouldn’t think your imagination was too out there. In fact this drawing looks like it would fit perfectly into his film Paprika.

    1. I remember watching Paprika and honored to think that my imagination isn’t so strange…maybe just a bit eccentric. šŸ˜›

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