03 – A Not-so-pale Horse

When I brought up the idea of her having a zombie horse to the writer, he said something like "horses can't be creepy" and had thoughts of My Little Pony or something that had cute girls with their pretty ponies. But I've owned a horse and lived around horses for a good portion of my childhood...and I know the scary truth! What's up!Coming right at you Do I need to say more?

13 thoughts on “03 – A Not-so-pale Horse

  1. I agree creepy. I would think at least twice about getting close

  2. wow scary! one thing horses dont have bones in their tails

  3. Well I was trusting to my artist on this, but either she’s right or a lot of horse skeleton diagrams are wrong: http://www.localriding.com/image-files/skeleton-of-the-horse.gif

  4. They do have bones in their tails. You all need to go out more and actually meet a horse in person. šŸ˜›

  5. Nice splash panel! Can’t wait to see where this strip is going!

  6. Now that is one of the best zombie creatures I have seen in a very long time! Awesome!

  7. oh fuck! the last picture had me cracking up =)

  8. Horses don’t have bones in their tails? Lol.

    Remind me to go and tell my horse that his tailbone couldn’t possible be broken, he must have imagined it *eyeroll*

    Incredibly disturbing creepy zombie horse. The little skull on the breastplate is a NICE touch though šŸ˜€

  9. si, los caballos dan miedo, vean lo que paso a superman
    respecto a los huesos de la cola, no sean tan criticones

  10. Well, horses may have bones in their tails but shouldn’t the bony part be 4″ or maybe 5″ long at most?

    And, seeing the state of this horse… If the human zombies are of a similar state, I can already announce having major difficulties with the “zombie blood” part…

  11. The splint boots are a nice touch

  12. Hi-yo Silver, awayyyyyyy! šŸ˜€

  13. Don’t normally see zombie animals, nice touch

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