And so ends episode 4. It's been interesting to draw and it has also been great reading your comments throughout it. Now to draw a cover, which we'll put up next week, and then the week after that will be the 1st page for episode 5 - which also will just so happen to be page 100 of our story!
8 thoughts on “99 – Event Horizon (END OF EPISODE 4)”
I bet that slimy son of a zed at ClearStream is having a good ol’ laugh. All the way to the bank.
I’m really appreciating this story, your art and Clint’s posts. I’m not particularly into zombies but I really love this. Thanks! (came here weeks ago via your ad on tobwebcomics btw)
Doesn’t it often seem like Reality TV’s pleasure is its subjects’ pain?
Anyhow, you’re welcome! And always great to hear where you found us from. We definitely got a lot of new eyeballs from that ad but it’s when people like you comment that we know some of them “stuck” 😀
more more more! I’ve been reading this comic for a few weeks now that’s to a link from another web comic.. and I can’t wait to see what’s next. Love it. 🙂
8 thoughts on “99 – Event Horizon (END OF EPISODE 4)”
I bet that slimy son of a zed at ClearStream is having a good ol’ laugh. All the way to the bank.
I’m really appreciating this story, your art and Clint’s posts. I’m not particularly into zombies but I really love this. Thanks! (came here weeks ago via your ad on tobwebcomics btw)
Doesn’t it often seem like Reality TV’s pleasure is its subjects’ pain?
Anyhow, you’re welcome! And always great to hear where you found us from. We definitely got a lot of new eyeballs from that ad but it’s when people like you comment that we know some of them “stuck” 😀
Braaaaaaaaains made this page interesting to read. And for tomorrow’s forecast; raaaaaaaains.
Looks like Ma’s posse might have run afoul of the Huahoo…hwachoo..sigh… the Sneezers.
more more more! I’ve been reading this comic for a few weeks now that’s to a link from another web comic.. and I can’t wait to see what’s next. Love it. 🙂
Exactly the type of reaction we aspire to inspire. Thank you!
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